The Phalanx John Keegan – The Book of War, 1999: “Without discipline, however, armies are ineffective instruments, needing leadership to order their numbers and concentrate their power. The concentration of power at the highest level achievable with hand-held weapons reached its apogee among the Greek city-states of the 5th Century BC, where the Phalanx, a…Continue reading The Vision of the Phalanx
We are Heroes – Phalanx Article 1
Heroes. People who make the world a better place. Super heroes are those with special gifts and a special calling in order to accomplish this role. 0k, men, when we were 4, we all wanted to be super heroes. If someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, you said “superhero.” …Continue reading We are Heroes – Phalanx Article 1
(note: This is the welcome and info article and it does not change. Scroll on down for the most recent article addition.) I believe in the power of truth. I also believe in the power of freedom. I am neverendingly impressed at how truth sets us free, and how freedom opens us up to the…Continue reading Welcome.
Gift Ideas (Gifts part 2)
As mentioned in the “how to” section of gifts, a great gift for one woman might be a disaster with a different one since for them, gifts are about knowing her and knowing what the gifts mean to her. However, I will list here some gifts that have been meaningful to my wife: Stuffed…Continue reading Gift Ideas (Gifts part 2)
Phalanx #2 – how to give a woman compliments
Compliments “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.” Sophia Loren – Women and Beauty Use details – women communicate in subtle ways, so the more specific the compliment, the better. In other words, the greatest compliment to you might be “hey, you look great!” It wouldn’t…Continue reading Phalanx #2 – how to give a woman compliments
Phalanx post episode 1: Women are Different
Men, (because this is who this is for) though Newsweek and other periodicals make a cover story out of this once a year or so like it is breaking news, you might have already noticed that women aren’t like us. You may have even asked yourself “why?” I doubt if you have gone this far…Continue reading Phalanx post episode 1: Women are Different
The Phalanx
Brother to Brother, The Phalanx Without discipline, however, armies are ineffective instruments, needing leadership to order their numbers and concentrate their power. The concentration of power at the highest level achievable with hand-held weapons reached its apogee among the Greek city-states of the 5th Century BC, where the Phalanx, a densely ranked mass of spearmen,…Continue reading The Phalanx
The Creation of Synthetic Life – what is up?
Creation of Synthetic Life Today, due to a special documentary on the Science Channel, it became very public knowledge that Dr. Craig Venter (PhD in physiology and pharmacology from University of California), who drew attention and some acclaim when he decoded his own genome a few years ago, has “created synthetic life.” We Christians have…Continue reading The Creation of Synthetic Life – what is up?
An attempt at a Timeline for LOST!
Ok, so a number of people have asked my opinion as to what the heck was going on in the SHOW finale of LOST. First, let me start with the easy part: the “flash sideways” that have been going on this season. Flash Sideways: First, it is helpful to recognize that these flash sideways had…Continue reading An attempt at a Timeline for LOST!
A different Treasure Principle – by Chris Legg
ok, so first, watch the video clip from the Antiques Roadshow. “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (Jesus the Christ, Matt 13:44, NASU) Years ago,…Continue reading A different Treasure Principle – by Chris Legg
some quick thoughts on gluttony
The Phalanx men recently did a couple of hours of work on this under-studied topic. It was harder than we expected, because there is so little in the Bible on the topic! There are two ways of treating gluttony as a topic: 1. It is an over-arching character flaw that is basically connected to over-indulgence…Continue reading some quick thoughts on gluttony
Spiritual Parenting – Part I
Spiritual Parenting “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth”. John the Apostle, 3 John 4 Every parent lives out quite a few different roles. I am not certain that even we all bent our minds toward the problem that we could make an exhaustive list… even…Continue reading Spiritual Parenting – Part I
A Short Article on Marriage
So, imagine that you purchased some land with a garden on it. It was a well tended garden that was growing. For the first year, you could go out and take just about anything you wanted off of the plants – fruit, flowers, vegetables, herbs – all of it. So you make a habit of…Continue reading A Short Article on Marriage
a Short Article on Life Rules
I have been told that Elephants are kept in place with a cuff around their lower leg attached to a rope or chain which runs to a stake, maybe 3 feet log, driven into the ground. This seems a problem considering that this is a huge animal that can pull trees up with their root systems. How…Continue reading a Short Article on Life Rules
“How to help a friend who has been laid-off” (for leaders too)
Please offer input on this blog – I want to make it as sound as possible… and I need to know in what tone it comes across… if it sounds positive, hopeful, and helpful, I may want to put it out for other publication. Please offer input. Thanks. Obviously, when someone is laid off, it…Continue reading “How to help a friend who has been laid-off” (for leaders too)
Only You can Prevent Narcissism
Are you married to or relating to a Narcissist?
Defense of what the Bible says about pre-marital sex
Biblical view of Sex before marriage Sexuality is a powerful and priceless form of human interaction. We all know it is powerful , and its pricelessness is too often lost in our society. When you love someone it is normal to desire to express that love sexually, and the desire to do so is typically very…Continue reading Defense of what the Bible says about pre-marital sex
“…And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” (Heb 9:22, NASU) I have been wondering… How could it be that of all religions in the world, we have decided to communicate that forgiveness is easy and/or cheap, or even…Continue reading Forgiveness
Two of my friends have been hanging out with each other without me there – I don’t know why, but it is really bugging me – help? – This is a question about jealousy and envy. It really has an easy answer, though not an easy one to hear, I will warn you. I will…Continue reading Jealousy
My Book List
Some people have been asking for a book list. Here is my first blush at it. I know I am leaving out things I am reading now and have read in the past, so I will have to add to it over time… but here we are: First, the most important books in my life……Continue reading My Book List