Can you explain the differences between all of the various translations of the Bible that are out there? This may come as a surprise to some (I hope I am kidding), but the books, poems, and letters that make of the 66 books of the modern Bible were not written originally in English… not even…Continue reading What about different translations of the Holy Bible?
What about people who never hear about Jesus?
The gospel would never have made it to the ears of some people in history, like Native Americans, Pygmies, etc. In fact, there would be a lot of people – I assume the vast majority of people, who would have never heard about Jesus Christ, or even the Jewish Scriptures before He came here! Furthermore, this…Continue reading What about people who never hear about Jesus?
My favorite movies
Here we go – I jotted this down the other night and thought I would start the fire… Here are my favorite movies… the ones I enjoy the most. I think they are all great movies, too… Here is how I define the term “great” for a movie… 1. They have great themes and…Continue reading My favorite movies
What do you believe about security of salvation?
What is the biblical defense of the security of salvation, or “once saved, always saved”? “ Once Saved/Always saved”… I personally think that this cliché is a misstatement of the issue. The statement sounds like “Once I am saved, I am always saved.” The real phrase should be more like “Once Christ saves me, I…Continue reading What do you believe about security of salvation?
Basic Postmodernism
Postmodernism at a glance At the most basic level, postmodernism is the most recent philosophy that offers societal views of things like truth, community, the use of language and a lot of other things. (Look at the end of this article for a more academic understanding by Moreland and Craig.) Among other things, postmodernism includes…Continue reading Basic Postmodernism
What about the phrase “I have a peace about…”?
“I feel a peace about it…” This is s common phrase that people use in decision making… or at least that a lot of people who call themselves Christians use it… Is a feeling of peace a scriptural way of making a decision? Some passages: 2 Thess 3:16 “Now may the Lord of peace Himself…Continue reading What about the phrase “I have a peace about…”?
What about the phrase "I have a peace about…"?
“I feel a peace about it…” This is s common phrase that people use in decision making… or at least that a lot of people who call themselves Christians use it… Is a feeling of peace a scriptural way of making a decision? Some passages: 2 Thess 3:16 “Now may the Lord of peace Himself…Continue reading What about the phrase "I have a peace about…"?
Did Jesus Claim to be God?
I had a teacher today in class say some stuff that I didn’t think was true. but before I refute him I wanted to make sure that I knew what I was talking about. 1. What does the word messiah actually mean in new testament times? 2. I was wondering if in the gospels anywhere…Continue reading Did Jesus Claim to be God?
Accountability Questions (for men)
1. In what ways have you sought and hungered/thirsted for the Lord this week? (prayer & scripture) Would people say of you, “Zeal for your house consumes him”? (Ps. 69:9) 2. Have you had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, exposed, or allowed yourself to be exposed to tempting materials and situations which would not glorify…Continue reading Accountability Questions (for men)
On Being Laid Off
Here is what I told our wonderful staff on Thursday, at the meeting when we told them about the lay-offs. I think it will suffice to answer any questions: I recently read a book in which our relationship with God was compared to a dance. The author made the point that we dance with Him,…Continue reading On Being Laid Off
Padded training sword design
Training sword design 40 inch of ½ inch pvc – thicker rating is better (obviously 3 from a 10 foot section) 30 inch of funoodle (generally half of one) that has a hole in it. 2, ½ inch caps for each sword Some kind of cover – sewn, or a long tube sock. push…Continue reading Padded training sword design
dark soul times
I was recently asked about the times in our lives when we don’t “feel” God… when we don’t experience the presence of God… when our times praying with Him seems to be echoing around without getting through… when reading His word brings no spark… and even worship feels, not like honey on the tongue, but…Continue reading dark soul times
Marijuana usage
“…But other than it being illegal, I can’t really find anything wrong with it. And the fact that it hurts your body, but so does alcohol and tobacco, but I don’t think they are wrong to use.” It is illegal, and by following the law you are not breaking God’s moral law… that is all…Continue reading Marijuana usage
Biblical views on homosexuality
What does the Bible say about homosexuality? I want to note that it is my intention to understand the author’s original intent and whether that intent would carry to the conversation today. Before mentioning anything else, let me comment that any biblical discussion of sex seems a little to me like talking Henry Ford about…Continue reading Biblical views on homosexuality
Tatoos!?! …and the Bible
Here is the questions I originally received that motivated me writing about tattoos: “Doesn’t Leviticus tell us not to have tattoos and doesn’t 1 Corinthians say that our bodies are temples?” Here was my response: 1 Cor 6:19 that says that “your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you,” but…Continue reading Tatoos!?! …and the Bible
Speaking in tongues
Spiritual Gifts in general This is discussion of spiritual gifts. There are whole books written on this topic, even on just the topic of speaking in tongues! We don’t have room or time for that here, but this will give you a start off of the blocks, so to speak. We look especially to Romans…Continue reading Speaking in tongues
What is the role of Baptism in conversion to Christianity?
There are a lot of passages that seem to indicate that baptism is required for salvation. What do you think the role of baptism is in regards to being saved? (this question was actually several pages long, but for simplicity, I have paraphrased the question here). The role of baptism certainly plays a significant role…Continue reading What is the role of Baptism in conversion to Christianity?
What about people who never hear about Jesus Christ?
What happens to people who never hear about Jesus? Some people cross rivers in the easy places – narrow, shallow, etc. Some of us are not that smart (or maybe we are) and we insist on crossing the river in swampy, murky places that are wide and slimey. In some ways (specifically intellectually) I fit…Continue reading What about people who never hear about Jesus Christ?
Bible Translations
Can you explain the differences between all of the various translations of the Bible that are out there? This may come as a surprise to some (I hope I am kidding), but the books, poems, and letters that make of the 66 books of the modern Bible were not written originally in English… not even…Continue reading Bible Translations
First Post
I want to make this site useful to people – I am fundamentally a minister, so I want to make this spot helpful for that. For that reason, please feel free to ask questions that you think would be good things for me to talk about here. I will be sending people here from Facebook…Continue reading First Post