3 Things People Struggling with the Loss of a Loved One Need to Know

I don’t do this very often, but sometimes I have someone reach out and offer to write an article that seems valuable to my readers. Today, Camille Johnson, of The Bereaver website. Her focus is to have some materials for people when they are grieving. I like her material on this topic in particular, though I do…Continue reading 3 Things People Struggling with the Loss of a Loved One Need to Know

Wolverines!!! (that oughta get at least all of the Gen X’ers to read).

In 1984, one of the most influential movies of a generation came out – it led to thousands of young people digging pits in preparation to fight off the imminent invasion from Russia and Central America. It created something of a mindset that is probably the most noble thing about Generation X: we were all…Continue reading Wolverines!!! (that oughta get at least all of the Gen X’ers to read).

What’s Up With “Famous” Christians “Deconstructing” their Faith – Part 4

In addition to acceptance and disappointment, why else might people walk away from so great a salvation? 3.  Radical levels of ignorance… often by choice.   Truth, questions, vigorous debate… real discussion and seeking of evidence… rational dialogue are ALWAYS on the side of God. The demon Screwtape, in Screwtape Letters points this out in so many ways……Continue reading What’s Up With “Famous” Christians “Deconstructing” their Faith – Part 4

What’s Up With “Famous” Christians “Deconstructing” their Faith? – Part 3

Here are some of my assumptions to finally answer, from the outside, the original question above. 1.  I think one probably motive for some of these deconstructions is acceptance.  This takes a few forms.  They are celebrities and in order to stay acceptable within the celebrity class, there are certain views that are unacceptable and others that are required.  We…Continue reading What’s Up With “Famous” Christians “Deconstructing” their Faith? – Part 3