Switches or Dials In the psychological world, there is an area of diagnosis called “personality disorders.” These include Narcissism, Borderline, Avoidant, Dependent, Paranoid, etc. There are 10 of three types (clusters). The American Psychiatric Association describes Personality disorders as “ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that deviates from the expectations of the culture, causes distress…Continue reading Switches or Dials – Part 1
Category: Seminars & Conferences
The Story of Krishna
In this series of articles, I am responding to the claim that the story of Jesus is merely a recapitulation from a different ancient myth. All that I am doing in these is giving a report on the traits and narrative of these myths with very little comment. I leave it to the reader to…Continue reading The Story of Krishna
Response to Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins – Part I
Response to Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins without Tattoos A few days ago, an article by one Lori Alexander hit Facebook with a storm and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why. I think the inflammatory title helped. I think this is the main effective tool for creating attention. I think the…Continue reading Response to Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins – Part I
Political Issues and Christians and the Johnson Amendment Part II
Many on the other side of this case make the argument that the amendment limits their freedom of speech. They say that it means that they cannot “speak their piece” in support of or in condemnation of a political candidate or party. I would respond that of course they can, and legally. At any point…Continue reading Political Issues and Christians and the Johnson Amendment Part II
Political Issues and Christians and the Johnson Amendment
Political issues In general, I am a big fan of Christians being motivated by our faith to be involved in protecting the liberty via the political system. I think it is vital that we understand how and why things work – even if they are not directly connected to scriptural issues – like raising or…Continue reading Political Issues and Christians and the Johnson Amendment
Life hacks for fathers
http://cathykrafve.com/life-hacks-for-fathers/ My friend hosted me on her podcast this week. It was time that went by shockingly quickly! I think there is some fun stuff there!
Boring Marriages
Sometimes you hear people say that they are in a boring marriage. They aren’t stimulated intellectually like they once were. They aren’t as excited about spending time with their spouse anymore. They just feel like they are both going through the motions, stuck in a rut, and just fulfilling obligations. Their heart just isn’t in…Continue reading Boring Marriages
Understanding Sexuality Podcast
https://hunterbeless.com/new-blog/2017/7/ep28-on-understanding-sexuality I got to be a part of a great podcast a few days ago. This expresses some of the roots – going WAAAAAYYYY back (in time and in philosophy) for the issues of sexual identity that we face as a culture today. Check it out!
Two Mini-Seminars: "Helping Parents Talk to Kids About tragedy"
This next Wednesday, November the 9th, FBC and Alethia Family Counseling will host two short seminars for adults – moms, dads, grandparents, teachers and others – We will be in the Great Room at FBC South Campus (just south of the new loop) at 9:30am (hoping that is convenient for parents who drop off kids…Continue reading Two Mini-Seminars: "Helping Parents Talk to Kids About tragedy"
Talking to Kids about Death Video Series
Hello everyone – a few years ago, I was invited to speak at a church about talking to kids about death. Recently, a child had died in their community, and they wanted tools to talk to their children about it. Recently, in our community a child was kidnapped and apparently killed. As Alethia scrambles to…Continue reading Talking to Kids about Death Video Series
Navigating the Holidays Is Tomorrow!
I think this will be of great value to anyone regardless of what the holidays mean for you! We will be covering all topics related to enjoying and navigating the highs and lows of the holiday season. All proceeds are donated to The Boys and Girls Club of East Texas. To join us please RSVP by…Continue reading Navigating the Holidays Is Tomorrow!
New Group Starting – Mothers of Anxious Children
This is a group I highly recommend that is starting in November: For every mom who has ever been overwhelmed by their child’s fears, for every mom who feels isolated and unsure of how to deal with the extreme emotions their child displays regularly, for every mom who could use a little guidance in helping their…Continue reading New Group Starting – Mothers of Anxious Children
Navigating the Holidays Seminar – Nov 1
I think this will be of great value to anyone regardless of what the holidays mean for you!
Great Parenting Opportunity From Alethia
We are here to help. Join us and share ideas.
Talking to Kids about Sex Part I… re-released
Talking to Kids About Sex Part I I married a girl who grew up in the city… with no guns in the house. Naturally, she was concerned about us having guns in our house, especially when we began to have children. So, I called my father and asked him about it. I remembered that I had…Continue reading Talking to Kids about Sex Part I… re-released
How Often Should a Married Couple have Sex? Part III
Now, another other option(go back and read part I and II if you have not) is to sit still, or move away, and develop more and more resentment about not getting your “needs” met. (Sex is not a need, and that is why I put it in quotes in recognition of how many other counselors…Continue reading How Often Should a Married Couple have Sex? Part III
How often Should a Married Couple have Sex? Part II
But since we are talking about frequency… there is so often a problem with couple’s sex lives and a change in frequency seems like it would be the solution, but rarely is it. Frequency is rarely going to have the same threshold for two different people when your resources for loving each other are limited.…Continue reading How often Should a Married Couple have Sex? Part II
How often should a Married Couple have Sex? Part I
How often should a married couple have sex? 16 . Ok, just kidding. I know that most people are looking for a number, and even though you knew that I wasn’t going to offer one so easily, I know you are hoping for an easy answer even though you know one doesn’t exist. Answers? Yes.…Continue reading How often should a Married Couple have Sex? Part I
The uncommon life Popular historian and self proclaimed former Christian-turned-atheist, Dr. Bart Ehrman, in his debate with Dr. William Craig, clarified that a historian’s job is not to tell “what” happened, but what was “most likely” to have happened. He goes on to explain why that makes it impossible for him to hold to the…Continue reading
Marriage Talks from Pine Cove Family Camp 2013
This is some of my most important stuff for developing a great marriage. I think the 5th talk is about sex… but all of the talks work together. Enjoy! http://www.pinecove.com/stuff/audio/woods-talk-downloads