Our hope is to do more than just offer something to do… but a chance to invest in your marriage long term. This year, to reduce the cost, we are foregoing dinner – so you can grab something to eat before you come… then we can come together at 6:30 for dessert and teaching time.…Continue reading Realign 2025 – another great date night coming
Category: Uncategorized
Another Great Podcast Adventure
It has become one of my great joys to be a guest on podcasts! Come check this one out. Time with Dr. Grace is time well spent!
Praying With Congress!
At the invitation of Nathaniel Moran, I will be offering the opening prayer for US Congress Friday the 6th. The prayer will be at 9am EST (8am CST) will be shown live via https://www.cspan.org/ or http://Live.House.gov if family and friends at home would like to watch.
Taking a Stand on Abortion
In addition to this article, I include several other links in this article. I would love to encourage you to check them out, either as proof of my claims or in an effort to support a short article like this one. I have heard some people say that abortion, since Roe V Wade being overturned…Continue reading Taking a Stand on Abortion
Upcoming Major Speaking Opportunity
This is great panel of speakers – I would encourage you to check it out. There are not many chances to hear from this kind of line-up in one place. Sign up here.
Sex and Marriage Book Published!
Well, I am so proud to tell you that the book that Mark and I have been working on is finally done and is finally available and even stamped with a miracle – that God put me in touch with heroes of mine – Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn! Someday, I will tell the story here…Continue reading Sex and Marriage Book Published!
Update Time
Because I have been working on a book (as well as developing a sermon each week and teaching in at least another venue or two each week), I have not been able to create the margin to publish here on my website for over a year! It has been sad for me to neglect this,…Continue reading Update Time
Recent Podcast Guest time!
I had the privilege to be on the Worship Hearts podcast to talk about the Tabernacle Worship:
UFOs are in the News (again) – Part III
I am sure that unless we are still shooting people’s hobby balloons out of the air, the recent alien hype is out of the headlines – unless it is back in it yet again! 2. This is my second-best and totally different guess: What we are seeing are expressions of the spiritual creation, which is typically invisible…Continue reading UFOs are in the News (again) – Part III
UFOs are in the News (again) – Part II
Now, first I have to get this out of the way: I think the vast majority of sighting and experiences of UFO’s are not unidentified, but merely misidentified. I think given the preponderance of “sky trash”, optical illusions, natural phenomena, and apparently Chinese Spy Balloons(!), almost all UFO sightings could be explained if we had enough information. I…Continue reading UFOs are in the News (again) – Part II
UFOs are in the News (again) – Part I
Editor’s note: These are the ramblings of an opinionated person, not the conclusions of a specialist speaking within a field of their education… but I think in some ways, that may be true of everyone in this “field”. Are there any other kind of UFO specialists other than “self-proclaimed” ones? Hmmm… maybe I am an…Continue reading UFOs are in the News (again) – Part I
The Date Night of the Year
Ok, so we are being a little tongue-in-cheek when we make such a bold claim, but we do think it will be super fun and super encouraging and super helpful to your marriage! Join us!
Christmas Movies Defined Definitively part 3 – Die Hard
I love getting to the root of things. I honestly think that often we disagree because we don’t understand the foundations of our disagreements! Go back and read the basis for this article first, I recommend! I think much of what we think are merely political disagreements are actually differences in metaphysical thought! I think…Continue reading Christmas Movies Defined Definitively part 3 – Die Hard
Christmas Movies Defined Definitively Part 2
Consider this kind of a Christmas movie bingo. The more of these there are, the more likely the movie is to be a true Christmas movie: So far: comedy or epic with warm feelings at the end. things come together for the protagonist. new friendships are made. an old relationship is restored The “Grinch/Ebenezar” character…Continue reading Christmas Movies Defined Definitively Part 2
Christmas Movies Defined Definitively
Christmas Movie I am reposting what is arguably the most important and controversial series of articles ever. This is at the level of “who would win in a fight, Tony Stark or JARVIS?” but probably doesn’t quite rise to the “free will or predestination” conflict, it is something that I am finally going to settle…Continue reading Christmas Movies Defined Definitively
The Truth About Apologizing – Part II
I know, some of you are about to click that little X in the corner and run from this article, but hang in for a few minutes for while I explain what an apology is, but first what it isn’t: It isn’t an admission of being wrong. When I ask people why they didn’t apologize…Continue reading The Truth About Apologizing – Part II
The Truth about Apologizing – Part I
Now for an article about one of the most magical things God gave humans for maintaining healthy relationships. This is a powerful secret weapon and those of us that understand it have a much easier life. Let me show how magical – with a true story about myself before I understood this magic. Imagine having…Continue reading The Truth about Apologizing – Part I
Osiris and Horus
In this series of articles, I am responding to the claim that the story of Jesus is merely a recapitulation from a different ancient myth. All that I am doing in these is giving a report on the traits and narrative of these myths with very little comment. I leave it to the reader to…Continue reading Osiris and Horus