Too often, sex has become frozen in our hearts… cold and stilted… clearly something beautiful has been caught in a freeze… and it isn’t what God intended. Just recently, we had a very late freeze at our house – well after all of the fruit trees had budded out. It immediately made me think of the way that God planned for sex to be a bonding agent in our marriages but now it often is the opposite!
So many spouses are having sex just to avoid the negative emotional consequences of NOT having sex (pouting, silence, anger, insecurity…)
How do we warm our marriage bed back up?
How do we warm our hearts back up?
Here is the understanding sex material taught in a casual setting at our church. I am 80% done with an Ebook as well. I will let it be known when it is available. It will have more detail and research involved.
Here they are:
Understanding Sex I
Understanding Sex II
Other key articles to understanding sex in the best form include
How to talk to your kids about sex
and some key facets to what engaging with sex really is
I hope that you are able to enjoy these and that they help you grow into a having a wonderful free full sex life!
Pingback: How often should a married couple have sex? - Alethia Counseling
My wife and I have been married for 57 years. We have spent the last 35 to 37 years totally together. I mean we are never apart. We go every where together and ,if for some reason we can not, we are both physically sick at our stomach until we get back together. How uncommon is that sort of relationship? We would really like to know so please answer back. We know other couples that totally love each other and they think it is unhealthy to spend all of your time together.
It is possible that there is an unhealthy depth of enmeshment in your identities… that can lead to enabling bad behaviors (“I have to not talk to him about his porn usage because he might leave me and I cannot live without him.”) or an unhealthy codependency (“I have no other friends or voices into my life because it might hurt my partner – and I am responsible for their emotional well being.”)… however, beyond that, your level of intimacy is a great gift to appreciate.
Pingback: How often should a married couple have sex? - continued - Alethia Counseling
Pingback: How Often Should A Married Couple Have Sex – Part 2 | Alethia Counseling Center
Pingback: How Often Should A Married Couple Have Sex? – Part 1 | Alethia Counseling Center
Pingback: How often Should a Married Couple have Sex? Part II | Chris Legg, LPC
Pingback: How often should a Married Couple have Sex? Part I | Chris Legg, LPC