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Navigating Fatherhood – new workshop for fathers and husbands

how to be a father

New workshop by Chris Legg and Zach Herrin

Mother’s Day is coming up, an ultimate day of testing for a father. What type of gift will mean the most to my wife this holiday? How do I give her compliments that will mean something to her? How do I parent my children so that know how to treat a women well?

Our purpose as husbands is to love our wives as Christ loved the church.  But in order to embrace being a father and a husband, we need to understand our wives as completely as possible. What does life look like from their perspective? How are even supposed to figure that out?

Event details

Just in time for Mother’s day, Alethia Counseling, as part of its Navigating Speaking Series, presents “Loving your Wife well Workshop”. This two hour workshop will take place on April 25th 2017 from 6-8:30 pm and will be hosted at South Spring Baptist Campus.  Our main session will be led by Chris Legg, LPC and Zach Herrin LPC where they will let you in on some secrets they’ve learned as how to better understand the hearts of the women God has put into our lives.

Next comes the first time ever, Q&A panel of female Licensed Professional Counselors, with the aim of equipping you as husbands with their first hand perspective from women. Allison Cooper LPC, Amy Waters LPC and Molly Moore LPC-Intern will give you their helpful perspective while answering the questions most men have about the women in their lives. Please call the Alethia Counseling offices at 903-561-8955 if you have questions and to RSVP.

(Don’t want to miss any seminars in the future? Let us know when you RSVP that you would like to receive emails about upcoming Alethia events and seminars. 903-561-8955)

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