Report on the recent New York State abortion decisions.
My readers know that I think most topics that matter deserve more than a meme’s worth of treatment. I know that means less people actually read things like this all the way through, but I still think it is the right call to make. My goal is increased and more accurate understanding of whatever topic I want to talk about here. I especially want Christians to have accurate understandings of things that are happening in the world around them. Sometimes this will challenge the more typical Christian understandings and sometimes it will support them.
If someone disagrees with my conclusions, I appreciate good discussion. If I got a fact wrong, please let me know and send me the correct information and the source for it.
I think it is very clear that a child is alive at conception.
As a Bible student, I think the Bible is clear that human life is precious and arguably, sacred, from conception.
At some point, I will write more about my reasoning for these.
I do believe that the taking of human life is restricted to very specific conditions, as prescribed by God through the Holy Bible. I think any case for taking a human life must be defending by the conditions described in the Bible. I think a biblical case can be made for self-defense, combat, and certain criminal cases… with maybe the addition of weighing the life of one human against the life of another (there could be situations in which it is morally appropriate for one person to die in order to save other lives).
Christians may disagree even about these, certainly – though typically from a more pacifist argument rather than a more lethal one.
Outside of a threat to the life of the mother, I do not think there would be a biblical defense of killing a child before it is born. This is a debate I would welcome.
As a therapist, I see the psychological effects of abortion on mothers and fathers who are traumatized by having had an abortion, and sometimes the effects on adults and children who know that their parent intended to abort them and failed to accomplish it.
The consequences are tragic and life-altering. Some say the traumatic effects are on every parent, some say it is only a majority, but essentially no one is allowed to talk about it.
The World Health Organization lists leading causes of death separately from their reports on abortions, for example.
(“The leading causes of death (“of the 56.9 million deaths worldwide in 2016, more than half (54%) were due to the top 10 causes. Ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the world’s biggest killers…”). https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death
“During 2010-2014, an estimated 56 million induced abortions occurred each year worldwide…”. https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/induced-abortion-worldwide
Notice how induced abortions nearly match the number of deaths worldwide? Is it plausible that in the near future, there will be more deaths by induced abortion than all other causes of death combined? Can that be accurate?
The psychological impact of a race (mankind) that kills this population at this rate is not measurable… and likely to be largely unaccepted, because of the massive numbers involved.
Some of the most difficult and yet powerful therapy I have been involved in has been post-abortion group counseling. I am super proud of the women and men who have done that hard work.
As a patriot and libertarian,I think that an unborn human deserves the basic rights protected by the constitution – of LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I think the argument of privacy would only apply if the government was forcing abortions on children. The idea of privacy is that the government cannot come do whatever it wants in my private space; it does not mean that I am allowed to do whatever I want in my private spaces… I am not allowed to victimize another person just because it is in a private place.
A child, from conception, should be at least as protected by law as the most protected animal. I shudder to consider the number of little Hispanic, Indian, African, Asian, European males and females who find their own mother’s womb to be a place of pain and death.
What kind of country that claims to embrace freedom fails to protect these children’s basic freedom of life? What kind of world claims to prize freedom, in general, but strips this right from so many millions?
In regard to the general argument about abortion, I will stop here. My intention is to bring up the main issues that I have with the recent laws in New York. One of them is among the scariest legal changes I have seen…
I will post that very soon, probably tomorrow.
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