In this series of articles, I am responding to the claim that the story of Jesus is merely a recapitulation from a different ancient myth. All that I am doing in these is giving a report on the traits and narrative of these myths with very little comment. I leave it to the reader to determine if, in fact, these stories are mirrored in the account of Jesus Christ. If you are unfamiliar with the account of Jesus Christ, I recommend any or all of the 4 gospels accounts – Matthew, Mark, Luke and/or John.
One of the candidates often put forward is the Hindu god, Krishna.
Please, if there is a Hindu scholar out there who reads this (or if you know one you can forward it to), I need to know if this is accurate. I want it to be super accurate. This is taken from various websites and Hindu literature, with Wikipedia as my Cliff’s Notes.
Thank you for feedback.
Krishna – 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, portrayed as an infant or young boy playing a flute, or a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero and a supreme being.
His name means “black” or “all attractive” and he is typically portrayed as black or blue in color. He is often called “the protector of cows”.
Often wears a yellow silk robe (dhoti) and a peacock feather headpiece.
He was a divine herdsmen of cows. He is often portrayed surrounded by milkmaids, defeating a serpent, or lifting a hill – or other events of his childhood… or other times standing on one foot dancing.
Other times he is represented as a epic warrior God – with multiple arms or heads. Often he is pictured with his consort, Radha.
Sometimes he is seem worshiping a small child, which is the child version of himself – often with butter in his hands.
He is born to his father Vasudev, (his name means “good thoughts”) and mother Devaki (her name means “good act”). He was their 8th son. Kamsa, Krishna’s demon uncle, threw the parents into prison… Kamsa was confused bc the prophecy of the 8th son of this couple would destroy him. To fool Kamsa, Devaki’s 7th pregnancy was transferred to another person secretly. Kamsa was later killed by Krishnu
Krishna also killed another demon who was disguised as a wetnurse. He tamed the evil serpent Kaliya, who was poisoning the water the cattle drank from.
Later, He married 8 queens altogether. Still later he married 16,000 (or 16100) maidens who were held captive by another demon… but released them all.
I have to admit that I am a little confused by the next stage of his life. There is a very complex war involving many different spiritual creatures and a lot of expression of Krishna as a great divine being and a deadly and unstoppable warrior! At the end of the war, there is a curse that Krishna’s rule would end 36 years later.
Vishnu is shot accidentally in the foot by a hunter while he is meditating under a tree. He died and ascended back to his eternal abode as a god.
Afraid I missed any similarities to Messiah.
I am not surprised. I cannot find it either.
Shri Krishna’s father is Vasudev and mother is Devaki.
Thanks for that catch! I am not sure how I switched those. Did you see any other issues in the article, or is the rest pretty accurate?
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