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UFOs are in the News (again) – Part I

Editor’s note: These are the ramblings of an opinionated person, not the conclusions of a specialist speaking within a field of their education… but I think in some ways, that may be true of everyone in this “field”. Are there any other kind of UFO specialists other than “self-proclaimed” ones?

Hmmm… maybe I am an expert after all.

Ok, here we are go.

 Aliens are back in the news. (at least for another 30 seconds, so I better get these articles out quickly! 

NOT a Chinese Balloon

Thanks to the follow up from a Chinese Spy Balloon, (yes, I agree that sounds like the punch line to a bad joke) we are now shooting down several things that float in our atmosphere above the United States.

Several of these things are still unidentified. I am not here to discuss the significance of our government shooting down things without knowing what they are (I feel like that may violate some basic hunter safety guidelines, but I admit to not knowing a lot about missiles). The fact that there are unidentified things flying/floating around in our sky – and large enough to require being shot down – is certainly a dog-whistle for conspiracy theorists (I do not mean that term as pejorative. Most things that turn out to be true were at once point merely a conspiracy, and while most conspiracies still turn out to be largely untrue, we still often need them to uncover what is the truth eventually.)

And one of the theories is that what are shooting down are alien/extra-terrestrial/not of this world flying objects.

What is going on with all this new UFO/UAP interest and information? 

In a relatively recent report (as I understand it )of 144 issues, 143 were lacking clear explanations.  Of those 143, only 18 were considered “other”.  As I understand it, “Other” indicated that the Pentagon lacked a plausible explanation at all for even what they might be.  In the report, the Pentagon indicated that they were going to continue to investigate them but acknowledged that they needed more money and technology to do so well.  Beyond this, there was little in the way of explanation.

Water Tower in the fog

I am not an expert on most of the things I will write about in this conversation, and I’ve just seen the same videos, listened to the same podcasts and read the same books that you have.  

However, I am an opinionated person and am a betting man.  I have guesses as to what is going on. Now, I will report on them in order of what I consider to be most likely to least likely.

Now, first I have to get this out of the way:  I think the vast majority of sighting and experiences of UFO’s are not unidentified, but merely misidentified.

More to Come…

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