Now, first I have to get this out of the way: I think the vast majority of sighting and experiences of UFO’s are not unidentified, but merely misidentified.
I think given the preponderance of “sky trash”, optical illusions, natural phenomena, and apparently Chinese Spy Balloons(!), almost all UFO sightings could be explained if we had enough information. I am including some of my favorites examples in pics on this page.

I think most people would agree, though, right? Don’t most of us assume that most of the stories our friends and families tell us about their Close Encounter, have merely misinterpreted what they experienced? I assume that to a double degree when information comes out of government agents.
However, I think that is too easy, and probably we generally agree on that presumption. However, I also have to admit that there are examples of situations when it sure seems like something more – and even though they are technically government agents, I have a great deal of trust in individual soldiers and pilots, if not their bosses. So, what have they been experiencing? Though I still think some strange misunderstanding is the most likely option to explain all of these experiences (I put this at about 85%), I acknowledge that it could be something else… so how do I break down the remaining 15%?
With no more stalling, here are my best guesses:
1. I think what pilots and equipment are experiencing is advanced American (or maybe other countries’) tech. This tech may be enhanced physical abilities, drone tech, anti-gravity breakthroughs, or just tech that allows a machine to create a fake image to fool our abilities to see and measure things through our own eyes and our current equipment.
There are thousands of examples of US military technology breakthroughs that the general public and even most of the military wouldn’t have known about. Here are some articles on those topics (including when the air force admitted that they had been testing out saucer shaped ships):

The literal purpose of “Eyes Only” material is to hide information from others even in the same branch of the military. Governments like to hide things from their own citizens. Sometimes they hide even more from their own militaries!
I still remember when advances were suddenly unveiled to the public – like the stealth bomber, patriot missile batteries, night-vision, and others. Some readers probably recall the introduction of the U2 Spy plane, satellites, and even radar!
How long were advances like this kept secret even from others in the Pentagon? I had a client years ago who laughed when reports came out that Patriot Missile Batteries had not been extremely successful in the Persian Gulf War. He said that he couldn’t speak for others, but that as team leader over a Patriot Missile Battery, he said they hit everything they shot at. Personally, I think the US got nervous about how other nations would feel when they found out that we could swat their missiles out of the sky, so the initial 100% kill rate was lowered to 50 or even 25% after the war… or maybe there is another explanation.
However, is any American really dubious that our government wouldn’t keep silent about any major leap in technology? Not only do I think they would, I would be totally shocked if they didn’t!
I think the combination of human error and advanced tech is the first and best explanation for these things.
One more to come (sadly aliens are probably out of the news by now)
Pingback: UFOs are in the News (again) – Part I – Chris Legg
The Christian publishing podcast “Lorehaven” has a podcast on UFO’s and an interview with a fighter jet pilot as well explaining what pilots do and see when they are sent after or encounter a UFO
thanks for this resource!