I am sure that unless we are still shooting people’s hobby balloons out of the air, the recent alien hype is out of the headlines – unless it is back in it yet again!
2. This is my second-best and totally different guess: What we are seeing are expressions of the spiritual creation, which is typically invisible to us.
I know that this is far departure from number 1, but as a Christian, I accept the existence of an invisible creation.
Colossians 1:16

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
All through Holy Scripture (in fact in almost all of the various scriptures) there are examples of physical manifestations of spiritual beings.
Consider all the times when angels appear, or even God Himself, who is Spirit, gives a physical representation of Himself.
Consider the writings of John’s Revelation, for example: demons of various stripe – physical and terrifying, visible to human eyes, and I assume, human devices.
I think what we are seeing now could possibly be this again. There is no reason why, as Christians, we should be as shocked by this as we would be. My second best guess is that things unexplainable by our normal physical rules, measurements and understanding are not physical in their natural state, and sometimes they desire to make their presence known.

Why? I have no idea. Years ago, I heard a pastor express his opinion that “aliens” were nothing more than demons seeking to distract people from looking to God. Maybe, if this is accurate, or maybe there is something beyond us… but as a Christian, I think the interaction between the spiritual world and the material world could explain some of this.
3. Maybe this falls into the first guess, but my 3rd guess is that this is a conspiracy – but not one to cover up extra-terrestrials… instead to cover up something else going on with our relationship between government and soldiers.
I do not think this is nearly as likely as #1 (which I put at 10% or so) or #2 (which I put at about 3.9999%), but I also know that it is possible that there is a psychological or chemical test going on with soldiers to affect their perception and the effects of this have gotten out.
So, what is left? .00001% is that these are evidence of aliens from outside of our solar system. So, why I do not think they are aliens?
I am glad you asked.
The human race has an incredibly difficult time escaping our atmosphere and the gravitational pull of our planet. It is a massive expense in energy just to break free.
We can travel pretty fast in space once we get there. An unmanned spacecraft flew 165,000 mph! One theorist thinks we could get manned fights up to about 25,000 mph. Brother, that is fast.
But space is really big. Others have commented on this.

“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.” – Douglas Adams – Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Mars is the planet that gets the closest toMars, for example, is about 34 million miles away when it is closest to Earth (the next time that happens will be in the year 2287). If we could get up to 25,000 mph for the whole trip (not possible because a human could not survive that kind of acceleration or braking), it would still take 2 months to travel that far (60x24x25,0000).
Now, let’s imagine flying to the nearest star outside of our solar system, Proxima Centauri – which is not one light year away (5.88 trillion miles), but about 4, or about 23.5 Trillion miles. (23,000,000,000,000). At our current blistering speed of 25,000 mph, it would take us only about 920,000,000 hours to get there – or 38 million days or 104 thousand years and change.
So, at current technology, getting to another planet would not be feasible. The distances are just too expansive.
Ah, but you have seen Star Wars and Star Trek – light speed, or even warp speed – surely there will come a day when advances like those – or worm holes, stargates or tesseracts – would be possible, right?
Maybe. Possibly if we uncover some kind of incredible, yet undiscovered, fuel source (like the magic Dilithium crystals of Star Trek), we will be able to travel between solar systems.
Some think that the ability to travel interstellar would represent a fantastic leap in technology. That is just not true. It would represent a revolutionary re-understanding of the physical universe. We would have to understand something about our universe that we are completely ignorant of at this time.
If there is an Alien Culture somewhere out there that has already made this quantum leap (maybe literally), then they are not just more advanced than us – like a first world western nation versus a stone age tribe… no, this is more like the difference between a baby that doesn’t understand object permanence versus an adult that can program architectural designs or write music from nothing.
If there is a culture like that in the universe, they would be able to easily avoid detection from us in the same way I can hide my wallet from a newborn.
And we would certainly not be shooting down their ships or probes with our missiles. We would have no concept of what their observational options would be! Can we shoot down a balloon sent aloft by an Illinois Hobby Club? Sure. The tech of an alien species with interstellar travel capabilities? Nope.
Pingback: UFOs are in the News (again) – Part II – Chris Legg
I remember reading somewhere that the reason UFO’s can move so fast is because they are moving from the spiritual dimension to the physical dimension. Writer cited Biblical instances when people’s eyes were open to the spiritual dimension that is around us.
Most excellent to bring in size of our universe.