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Update Time

Because I have been working on a book (as well as developing a sermon each week and teaching in at least another venue or two each week), I have not been able to create the margin to publish here on my website for over a year! It has been sad for me to neglect this, but…

The book is almost done and I am about 1/3 done with articles to begin posting here again. Also, several articles have been updated, improved, and published by my son, Mark Legg, a gifted author who is now doing freelance writing, and my gifted Office Manager, Beth Reed. These can be found at Alethia’s main website. They are really quite a bit better than ever before – and include new content.

Finally, I wanted to go ahead and get the word out about 2024’s realign and dine event. I am doing the research now to prepare the talk time. In 2022, the topic was sex; in 2023 it was arousal; in 2024 it will be the more general topic of understanding and creating true intimacy (and of course will include the topics of arousal and sex as well). It it my hope that marriages in Tyler are so excellent that people would move here to figure out how to make theirs just as great. Save the date! This year it is a little after Valentines Day rather than a little before.

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