Grief and Grieving – Part II – what is grief? what is grieving?

It is part of the human condition, at least while here on Earth, to live with grief. Like big balls of double-sided tape, rolling through the medium we call “time,” collecting every regret, lament, remorse, etc. we rotate across.  Sometimes the older ones eventually can seem to get buried under the new ones. For years…Continue reading Grief and Grieving – Part II – what is grief? what is grieving?

Parenting is Discipleship – short article

“The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”   Rev. Theodore Hesburgh Parenting is fundamentally discipleship… intense, daily, unrelenting, often unappreciated discipleship.  They relate to one another in the same way that an ultra-marathon is a type of footrace. Discipleship, then, is fundamentally about replicating oneself.  Paul…Continue reading Parenting is Discipleship – short article