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Christmas Movies Defined Definitively part 3 – Die Hard

I love getting to the root of things.  I honestly think that often we disagree because we don’t understand the foundations of our disagreements!  Go back and read the basis for this article first, I recommend!

I think much of what we think are merely political disagreements are actually differences in metaphysical thought!

I think some of our disagreement about science and religion is founded in mistakes and errors, on both sides, as to what faith means.

I think our different views of trying to help create justice is really about a fundamental different definition of what justice is!I think that many of our challenges in regard to marriage and sex are due to basic misunderstandings of how we see and experience these things.

I love to bring clarity to thought.  Now, often the clarity of thought does NOT mean we agree, but at least we know actually why we don’t agree.

Therefore, after years of disagreement, I finally wrote the final word on Christmas movies.

  1. I have finally and definitively demarcated and described Christmas movies.and since
  2. everyone who read it agreed with it… so we are in agreement finally about the 79784088_10157266803216284_2178720575776620544_o.jpgrequirements.

Then we can finally end this tragic disagreement that is taking so much of our national energy and the division it has created, and I want to engage in this debate to settle the chronic division surrounding it:

This kind of divisive meme shows just how rancorous the conversation can be!

Is “Die Hard” a Christmas movie?

There are dozens of other sites like this!

Go back through the list on the page and note that every single thing, obviously the multiple simple things at the end of the list:

  • The movie will actually sing Christmas music (loud for all to hear!)
  • Die-Hard-16.jpgWarm lighting, fireplaces, candles, tv’s with a fireplace on it, and other fires.
  • At least one Christmas party or family gathering.
  • Presents and various versions of people giving things to each other.
  • Festive clothes; dress clothes can be a version of this – black tie, nice dresses, excellent suits, etc.
  • Christmas music should play regularly. In fact, in the best Christmas movies, the characters in the movie should sing…. “dum de dum delightful.”
  • Santa Claus and all things Santa Claus will appear. If he is not actually in the movie, Santa – things should be!
  • Christmas Trees will play an important role. In key moments, the tree itself, or ornaments, or cutting the tree will make a significant appearance.
  • Other Decorations will be around. This is part of the overall Christmas setting and party feel.  Reds and Greens, BB guns, etc.
  • “Merry Christmas” is common; in today’s PC world, it might also include other Holiday wishes.`References to God’s blessings for mankind.  “And God bless us, everyone.”

Reginald VelJohnson-Die Hard-The Review-movie review-dante ross-danterants-blogspot-com.jpg

All of these are found in Die Hard.

However, the most important aspects of the Christmas Movie – the reunification of relationship, the creation of friendship is actually why the “die hard” supporters of Die Hard as a Christmas movie are so dedicated to that status.

Let me first comment that I am not endorsing Die Hard as a family movie (and I understand that maybe this fact is what gives the fuel to those in disagreement – they believe that a Christmas movie should be a family movie.  I disagree.  This movie has rough language, graphic violence, intense situations, and worst of all, brief nudity (which I hated then and hate now – and almost made me NOT write this tongue-in-cheek article, BTW).  I hate the 1980’s felt need among movie makers to expose flesh in the most absurd ways… and I take that seriously, so it made it hard to comment on this, even as kind of a joke – but in my defense, I grew up with the TV version of the movie, so…


The deep messages of Die Hard is what actually makes it a Christmas movie, since it also includes all of the other ancillary

  • Anyway, the restoration of the marriage of the McLane’s is a powerful message of redemption.Only in the miserable suffering of a hostage situation is able to bring them together again.  The wife is talented, smart and glorified.  However, the john-holly.jpghostage situation creates the conditions in which her husband’s skills are worth more than those of the men she has been surrounding herself with.  In this new zone, all of them, even the great salesmen (“John, Boobie”) is powerless. Safety is in the ferocity of her husband only.


  •  The creation of a new friendship between a black cop and a white cop (1980’s remember?) – created entirely over radio.Again, this kind of racial reconciliation and the formation of a new love between two men grows in the same situation of 29efe3ca5813b75536d05d251197fcfd.jpgthe violence of the robbers and the incompetence of the rest of the police forces.  In many ways, Die Hard was nothing more than a super creative “buddy cop” film.  The “buddy cops” just don’t meet until the final scene.


  • The reconciliation between Sergeant Al Powell and his own haunted past is the pivotal psychological crisis of the film.  Since killing a child, he has not had a cause worthy enough or an enemy evil enough to bring him to draw his gun again.  In the end, Karl is that enemy and John and his wife are that cause that motivates him to accept the redemption waiting for him. 600px-DH_Powell.jpg

Those are the real reasons fans of the movie are such fans… and since it has these deeper Christmas themes (including the Messianic pictures), in addition to the action, the one-liners, etc.

Since it has all of the components of a Christmas movie, including the deeper themes, the “hard” liners will not be moved.

Hopefully, once again, I have been able to bring clarity to a devastatingly important topic… and I hope you will check out some of the actual important articles about Christmas – here and elsewhere… and MUCH more importantly than any of that, pull out your Holy Bible and read Luke 1-2 and be reminded of the true Good News.

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Unlike the movies, which are fun and warm and encouraging in their messages, This message, from the angels for the shepherds, changes everything.







Special Bonus:


5 thoughts on “Christmas Movies Defined Definitively part 3 – Die Hard”

  1. I would now like to make a case for the Christmas movie, Fat Man. …the actor that plays Santa is also the director of The Passion of the Christ, that’s even better right? …maybe that’s an Easter movie.

    Might lean towards Die Hard – there is a big violent scene and the “bad guys” do have a few bad word bombs to drop which it could have easily done without. Honestly, if we were to remove cursing and sex from tv, I don’t think anyone would notice – it adds no value.

    1. I agree with bad language being cheap and unnecessary. I would prefer less of it. I thought Fat Man was pretty good – Gibson did a good job in the role of cranky and deadly Santa.

  2. Thanks for solving this discussion. We have always felt it was a Christmas movie but you articulated very well so many reasons WHY it is- thank you!

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